Prev: 61B8 Up: Map Next: 62AE
6236: Print Location Description
Used by the routines at Vector_HeroInit, HeroInit, GameScrDisplay and 61B8.
LocDescription 6236 PUSH IX
6238 CALL Vector_LinkListInit
623B XOR A
623C LD (TripValue),A
623F LD HL,(Baddy_LinkPtr)
6242 LD A,L
6243 OR H
6244 JR Z,LocDescription_0
6246 LD DE,$000D
6249 ADD HL,DE
624A LD (HL),$00
624D LD (HL),$00
LocDescription_0 624F LD HL,(CurrentAreaName)
6252 LD A,L
6253 OR H
6254 JR Z,LocDescription_4
6256 LD DE,$000A
6259 LD HL,$015E
625C CALL $03B5
625F LD DE,$5AD2
6262 LD HL,Zeros
6265 LD BC,$000E
6268 LDIR
626A LD DE,$5AF2
626D LD BC,$000E
6270 LDIR
6272 CALL Vector_PrintString
6275 DEFB $16
6276 DEFB $06
6277 DEFB $12
6278 DEFB $11
6279 DEFB $00
627A DEFB $10
627B DEFB $04
627C DEFB $13
627D DEFB $01
627E DEFB $5E
627F LD HL,(CurrentAreaName)
LocDescription_1 6282 LD A,(HL)
6283 INC HL
6284 CP $5E
6286 JR Z,LocDescription_4
6288 CP $2B
628A JR Z,LocDescription_2
628C CALL Vector_PrintChar
628F JR LocDescription_1
LocDescription_2 6291 LD A,$16
6293 CALL Vector_PrintChar
6296 LD A,$07
6298 CALL Vector_PrintChar
629B LD A,$12
629D CALL Vector_PrintChar
LocDescription_3 62A0 LD A,(HL)
62A2 CP $5E
62A4 JR Z,LocDescription_4
62A6 CALL Vector_PrintChar
62A9 JR LocDescription_3
LocDescription_4 62AB POP IX
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