Prev: BD0C Up: Map Next: BE3D
BD2D: Data block at BD2D
_bd2d_LinkListPtr BD2D DEFW $C8E3
Bmp_DataBuffer BD2F DEFW Bmp_Pipes2 Holds information on a bitmap.
Bmp_DataBufferHeight BD31 DEFB $0A Height
Bmp_DataBufferWidth BD32 DEFB $01,$13,$00 Width
Link Lists
_bd35_LinkList BD35 DEFB $D2,$C8 Pointer to first link in the link list.
_bd37_LinkList BD37 DEFW $C8C1
Hero_Pocket1 BD3B DEFB $00 Holds index of object carried
Hero_Pocket2 BD3C DEFB $00
Hero_Pocket3 BD3D DEFB $00
Hero_Pocket4 BD3E DEFB $00
Hero_Select BD3F DEFB $01 Index of pocket selected.
PathIndex BD40 DEFB $01 Counter for tracking path index when running through a list of paths.
Position_NS BD41 DEFW $03EC
Position_EW BD43 DEFW $04C8
Hero_ThroughN BD45 DEFB $13,$00 Set to $12 when going through a door. (Animation?)
Stage_Compass BD47 DEFB $00 Stage Compass
0 North
1 East
2 South
3 West
BD48 DEFB $00
Hero_LastDir BD49 DEFB $01 Indicates the last direction moved from a point view of the screen (1 - right, 2 - left)
Hero_ThroughCompass BD4A DEFB $02,$00,$0A Compass direction when going through a door.
PathPtr BD4D DEFW $6C84 Address of current path inforation (positions)
Path__ BD4F DEFB $00
PathPtrCopy BD50 DEFW $6C84
Path__Copy BD52 DEFB $00,$00,$00
_bd55 BD55 DEFB $00,$00,$00
Handle_Lockers BD58 DEFW $C45F Handle to start of locker table (Starts at one, so one byte less). See Lockers
PathPosHalfway BD5A DEFW $04C8
PathHalfLength BD5C DEFB $32
CurrentPathInfo BD5D DEFB $EB,$4A,$77,$0A,$04,$02,$05 The current path `info` is copied here.
Level_Char BD64 DEFB $63,$64 Holds the character representing the current level (a ~ i)
Area_Type BD66 DEFB $03 Type of area currently being used.
Area_Colour BD67 DEFB $50 Attribute value of the stage / screen.
Copy of current area data.
CurrentArea_PathsEWptr BD68 DEFW _6c7a
CurrentArea_PathsNSptr BD6A DEFW _6d6c
BD6C DEFW _6e92_PathInfo_EW
BD70 DEFW $7158
BD72 DEFW _7294_PathInfo_NS
_bd74 BD74 DEFB $00
_bd75 BD75 DEFB $50
Door_EntryCallback BD76 DEFW Entry_8ef5 Holds address of routine called when entering door. These routines are used to check specific flags and can stop entry.
BD78 DEFW $0000
Door_CurrentPos BD7A DEFW $04C8 Current door position along path.
_bd7e BD7E DEFB $C8,$04
_bd80 BD80 DEFB $92,$00
Hero_ThroughDoor BD82 DEFB $00 Counter when going through a door.
_bd83 BD83 DEFB $F5,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
_bd8b BD8B DEFW $0000 Door, extra data when entering.
BD8D DEFW $0000
BD8F DEFW $0000
_bd90 BD90 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
BD98 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00
_bd9c BD9C DEFB $00
Print_Delay BD9D DEFB $00 Timer delay when printing strings. Set to pause before printing next character.
Message_Y BD9E DEFB $04 Y
Message_X BD9F DEFB $13 X
Message_Ptr BDA0 DEFW Str_Empty Address of message to display in the message screen.
Message_Next_Ptr BDA2 DEFW Str_Empty Address of current character to display in message screen.
Str_Empty BDA4 DEFM $5E Empty message
_bda5 BDA5 DEFB $00,$10,$18,$00,$24,$E4,$00,$00,$00,$41
BDAF DEFB $00,$40,$D8,$48,$00,$11,$F0,$08,$00,$30
BDB9 DEFB $00,$28,$11,$40,$08,$E8,$10,$11,$F0,$D1
BDC3 DEFB $00,$13,$30,$18,$28,$E4,$00,$20,$00,$E8
BDCD DEFB $00,$1B,$00,$10,$18,$00,$F0,$18,$39,$00
BDD7 DEFB $00,$10,$18,$40,$18,$D0,$10,$11,$00,$14
BDE1 DEFB $00,$48,$40,$14,$D1,$10,$41,$D8,$00,$00
BDEB DEFB $00,$20,$00,$48,$08,$60,$04,$00,$28,$F0
BDF5 DEFB $00,$44,$00,$18,$F8,$11,$00,$14,$23,$00
BDFF DEFB $00,$04,$08,$20,$07,$33,$00,$00
BE07 DEFB $28,$E0,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
BE0F DEFB $FF,$FF,$E1,$B5,$00,$76,$04,$20
BE17 DEFB $DE,$1A,$05,$20,$DE
_be1c BE1C DEFB $1E,$03,$68,$A2,$6C
_be21 BE21 DEFB $48,$73,$4A,$3C,$56,$DD,$02,$05
BE29 DEFB $02,$05,$02,$05,$00,$00,$00,$00
BE31 DEFB $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
BE39 DEFB $00,$00,$68,$00
Prev: BD0C Up: Map Next: BE3D