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8F6E: Create link for ____
Used by the routines at Game_Init, _8ac9_Enter and 8BB6.
_8f6e 8F6E CALL LinkList_MoveLinkFrom Get a new link node.
8F71 RET Z If there are no more , return FALSE. This can stop entry.
8F72 LD HL,$9020
8F75 LD (IX+$03),L
8F78 LD (IX+$04),H
8F7B LD A,(_bd80)
8F7E LD (IX+$02),A
8F81 LD DE,(_bd7e)
8F85 LD HL,(Position_NS) Get position and orientation, based on compass.
8F88 LD A,(Stage_Compass)
8F8B LD (IX+$0A),A
8F8E BIT 0,A
8F90 JR Z,_8f6e_0
8F92 LD HL,(Position_EW)
_8f6e_0 8F96 LD (IX+$05),L Store positions into link.
8F99 LD (IX+$06),H
8F9C LD (IX+$07),E
8F9F LD (IX+$08),D
8FA2 LD (IX+$09),$10
8FA6 OR $01 Return TRUE.
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