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C047: Table of X,Y positions for each room when resurecting Wally.
Wally_ResurectY C047 DEFB $88,$98,$98,$98,$98,$98,$98,$98 Y position of Wally when being resurected, in order of each room index.
C04F DEFB $98,$98,$98,$98,$98,$98,$98,$98
C057 DEFB $98,$98,$98,$98,$98,$98,$98,$98
C05F DEFB $68,$88,$98,$98,$88,$98
C065 DEFB $98,$98,$98,$98,$98,$98,$98,$98
Wally_ResurectX C06D DEFB $80,$58,$10,$B0,$40,$A0,$10,$E0 X position of Wally when being resurected, in order of each room index.
C075 DEFB $90,$90,$10,$50,$58,$58,$10,$70
C07D DEFB $90,$E0,$50,$68,$E0,$10,$10,$40
C085 DEFB $40,$30,$88,$10,$80,$20
C08B DEFB $11,$20,$28,$3C,$48,$64,$82,$C8
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