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7C3B: Data block at 7C3B
Zone_CountDown 7C3B DEFB $00 Count down to next zone.
Zone_Colour 7C3C DEFB $00 Colour of zone landscape.
Land_Gap 7C3D DEFB $00 Size of the gap between ceiling and land.
_7c3e 7C3E DEFB $00
_7c3f 7C3F DEFB $00
_7c40 7C40 DEFB $00
Land_Height 7C41 DEFB $00 Height if land in chars, no less than 2.
Land_TileType 7C42 DEFB $00 Type of landscape tile for land.
Ceiling_TileType 7C43 DEFB $00 Type of landscape tile for ceiling.
_7c44_Tile0 7C44 DEFB $00
_7c45_Tile1 7C45 DEFB $00
Float_Tile 7C46 DEFB $00 Tile for possible floating object.
Float_Colour 7C47 DEFB $00 Colour for a possible floating object.
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